In a heartbreaking incident, a Hyderabad student pursuing his master’s degree in the USA met a tragic end after being fatally shot in Washington. The victim, identified as Raviteja, had moved to the United States in 2022 with dreams of building a successful career and enhancing his life. Unfortunately, his aspirations were cut short by this fateful incident.
According to reports, Raviteja, a native of the Chaitanyapuri colony in Hyderabad, was shot at Washington Avenue. News of the incident is just beginning to emerge on social media, sparking shock and distress within the Telugu community and among Indian students abroad.
Raviteja’s family in Hyderabad is devastated by the news. They recall his ambitions and how he had dreamed of making a mark overseas. His untimely demise has left them and his friends in unimaginable grief.
This incident is a grim reminder of the risks and uncertainties faced by Indian students abroad, even as they chase the widely sought-after American dream. While most students succeed in their endeavors, such tragedies highlight the need for awareness and caution.
We extend our deepest condolences to Raviteja’s family and loved ones during this difficult time. Further updates on the incident are awaited as investigations are likely to be underway.
USA News